
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Play script: BRING PRINTED FOR NEXT WEEK!!! (At least your lines)

Mixing the classic tales: A new story for the girls
Despicable Me meets the classical fairy tales
By: Oriana Pizarro
Scene 1: Agnes, Margo, Edith, Gru.
Gru is getting the girls to sleep.
Agnes: Could you read us a bedtime story?
Gru: Em, all right. Would it be Three Little Kittens?
Edith: No! I’m already bored with that one.
Gru: Cinderella?
Margo: Boring!
Gru: The Little Mermaid?
Agnes: No! I want something new, something fun!
Edith: Something exciting!! Not all princesses and animals…
Gru: Well, I don’t know any new stories!
Margo: Make one up!
Agnes and Edith: Yeah!!
Gru: All right, but it will not be today then. Good night girls!
Agnes: But tomorrow?
Gru: I don’t know, good night!
Agnes, Edith and Margo: Good night!
Scene 2: Gru, Dave the Minion, Stuart the Minion.
Gru: These girls are going to drive me crazy! What is wrong with the old stories?
Stuart: Meh, boring.
Dave: We need new.
Gru: But they’re classic!! Oh wait… what if I create a new story with the best elements from all the stories out there? That’s it!! But how?
Dave: A banana?
Stuart: Machine!!
Gru: That’s it!! I will create a machine to steal the best elements from the best classical fairy tales!!
(3 days later)
Gru: Here it is!! My remote controlled Steal-a-story machine!! All you need to do is to type the name of the story you want to be in and BAM steal the best things.
Dave and Stuart: Ooooooh
Gru: Now, minions, get to work!! I’ll be waiting for you.
Dave: Yes, sir, yes!
Gru leaves.
Stuart: What now?
Dave: Mmm I don’t know! Banana?
Stuart: Banana! No no no, Cinderella!
They type Cinderella in the machine, and then leave.
Scene 2: Cinderella, the 2 step sisters, Prince’s guard, minions.
Prince’s guard: Good morning, ladies. I am by the prince’s orders to fit this slipper to every girl in the kingdom so we can find his princess.
Stepsister 1: Good morning, sir. I am so happy that you found my slipper.
Stepsister 2: It is my slipper. I am the princess you are looking for.
(The ugly sisters tried to fit into the slipper, but it didn’t fit)
Stepsister 1: Let me try first!
Stepsister 2: No. Your feet are much too big. Give it to me!
Prince’s guard (looking at Cinderella): Let this girl try.
Cinderella: (surprised) Are you talking to me?
Stepsister 1: But that’s only Cinderella.
Stepsister 2: She didn’t go to the ball. The slipper won’t fit her!
Cinderella: Well, how are you so sure about that?
(Cinderella sat down and tried on the slipper)
Prince’s guard: It fits!
Cinderella: It fits!
Stepsister 1 & 2: (surprised) It fits?
Cinderella: I told you!
The minions appear, interrupting the scene.
Stuart the minion: Eh, hello, excuse me.
He takes the slipper and runs away
Dave the minion: Hehe, goodbye!!
Everybody stares at each other, looking surprised.
Scene 3: The minions
Dave: Hahahaha that was fun!
Stuart: Yeah! What now?
Dave: Umm… Hansel and Gretel!
They type Hansel and Gretel in the machine, and then leave.
Scene 4: Hansel, Gretel, Witch, minions.
Witch: You are eating my house. Are you hungry?
Hansel and Gretel: (jumping in shock and dropping their food) We’re so sorry.
Hansel: We didn’t mean to eat your house...
Gretel: ...but we were so hungry.
Witch: (smiling sweetly) Come inside, dear children.
(Hansel and Gretel stepped inside the house. Then the old woman locked the door.)
Witch: How dare you eat my cottage! Now, I will eat you, boy! And you, lazy girl, can get to work!
Hansel and Gretel: (scared and starting to cry) No, we didn’t mean to. We’re sorry.
The minions appear, interrupting the scene.
Dave the minion: Eh, hello. We’re not here…
He takes the house and runs away
Stuart the minion: (Eating a piece of the house) Hehe, goodbye!!
Everybody stares at each other, looking surprised.
Scene 5: The minions
Dave: We did it!!
Stuart: (still eating) Yay! Now… Jack and the Beanstalk!
They type Jack in the machine, and then leave.
Scene 6: Jack, the Giant, minions
Giant: (shouting) Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman ... Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.
Jack: (whispering) Oh no! It’s a giant! What can I do? Is there any place to hide? Oh, there is a place.
Jack hides.
Giant: (shouting) Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!
Jack: (running) Oh no! Time to go!
Jack ran back to the beanstalk.
Giant: (yelling) I’ll get you!
The minions appear, interrupting the scene.
Dave: Fee, fi, fo, fum
Stuart: Hello, I’m just going to take this…
They take the beanstalk and leave.
Scene 7: The minions
Stuart: Fee, fi, fo, fum hehe fum
Dave: (laughing) Hehe, now let’s go to the next one… Puss in boots!
Scene 8: Puss in boots, King.
Puss: (presenting the rabbit to the King) This is a gift from the Marquis of Carabas, your Majesty. He wanted you to have them.
King: (pleased) That is an excellent rabbit. Thank the Marquis of Carabas for his kindness.
(Puss took other gifts to the palace.)
King: Who has sent these gifts?
Puss: All of these gifts are from the Marquis of Carabas.
King: Wow, how can we thank him? This are marvelous!
Puss: I can think of a way…
The minions appear, interrupting the scene.
Stuart: Hello, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Dave: Don’t mind us, we just want this…
They take the Puss’s hat and leave. Puss and king stare at each other, Puss with cat eyes.

Scene 9: The minions

Dave: (wearing the hat) A-ha we did it!
Stuart: We’re almost done, let’s go to the next one…
Dave: Snow White!
They type Snow White and leave.

Scene 10: The Evil Queen dressed as an old lady, Snow White.

Snow White: It’s all so beautiful here in the woods!
Queen: Good morning, beautiful girl. What are you doing here alone?
Snow White: I just came for a walk.
Queen: Would you like to share my apple?
Snow White: It looks delicious! Thank you, kind lady.
(Snow White took a bite and fell down as if dead).
Queen: Finally, she’s dead! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

The minions interrupt the scene.
Stuart: Mirror, mirror, on the wall (in a mocking voice).
Queen: What, who are you? What are you?
Dave: Umm we just want… papple!!
They take the apple and run away.
Scene 11: The minions
Stuart: I’m the fairest of them all.
Dave: Back to work, we are almost done!
Stuart: To the Three Little Pigs!
They type Three Little Pigs and leave
Scene 12: Pigs 1, 2 & 3, wolf, minions.
First & Second little pigs: Let us in!
Third little pig: What’s the matter with you?
First little pig: The big, bad wolf is chasing us!
Third little pig: Oh my! Come on in. Hurry up!
Second little pig: We are in danger! The wolf is going to eat us all up!
Third little pig: Don’t worry. He can’t get us.
Wolf: (growling) Let me in, little pig, let me in.
Third little pig: Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin.
Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!
The minions break in.
Dave: Huff and puff wooosh.
Stuart: Sorry to interrupt…
They take the pigs’ house and run away.
Scene 12b (Just for 4th B): Minions
Stuart: What are we going to do with this?
Dave: Meh, I don’t know…. Steal more things!
They type How the Grinch stole Christmas and leave.
Scene 13a (Just for 4th B): The Grinch, Cindy Lou Who, minions.
The Grinch: Grrrrr. I don’t like Christmas. I don’t like Christmas cake. I don’t like Christmas trees. I don’t like Christmas presents. I don’t like candy canes. I don’t like Christmas cards and I don’t like Christmas stockings.
Cindy Lou Who: Santa Claus? Why are you taking our Christmas tree? WHY?
The Grinch: Why my sweet little tot, there’s a light on this tree that won’t light in one side. So I’m taking it home to my workshop, my dear. I’ll fix it there. Then I’ll bring it back here.
Cindy Lou Who: Are you sure you can make it work? I never saw that!
The Grinch: More than sure!
Cindy Lou Who: Oh, you’re so good Santa Claus! I’m going back to sleep now.
Cindy Lou Who leaves.
The Grinch: Now I can take all the presents…
The minions break in.
Stuart: But… presents?
Dave: No presents?
The Grinch: Who are you? I don’t like you!
Dave: Nevermind, we’ll just take this…
They take the tree and leave
Scene 13: The minions
Stuart: Woohoo!!
Dave: Now for the last one… Peter Pan!!
Scene 14: Peter Pan, Captain Hook, minions.
CAPTAIN HOOK:  You are my prisoners! If you want to see her again, tell Peter Pan to come and get me.
PETER PAN:  Captain Hook!  Here I am!  Let Wendy go!
Captain Hook: That easily? You would need to fight for it!
Peter Pan: I have never been more ready!
The Minions appear. Dave pretends to be fighting
Dave: Argh, fear me.
Stuart: Hello! We might want to take this…
They grab the swords and leave.
Scene 15: The girls, Gru, Minions.
Agnes: I am SO EXCITED!!
Margo: Yes, I’m really eager to see what Gru did for us!
Edith: It’s going to be awesome
Gru arrives.
Gru: Hello girls! Here I’ve got your surprise! Do you want to see it?
Agnes, Margo & Edith: Yeah!!
Gru: Well, be prepared for what my minions did for you!!
Dave and Stuart enter.
Dave: We present to you…
Stuart: The best tale ever!
Dave: Lights, camera, action!!
The characters start appearing
Cinderella:  Is this a magical slipper or something?
Stepsister 1: Yeah, where are we?
Stepsister 2: You see, Cinderella, you always ruin things!!! (angry)
Prince’s guard: I’m afraid to tell you I don’t know what is happening.
Hansel: Well, all right… I think that candy made me sick because I don’t know where we are.
Witch: Hey!!That is my house!!
Gretel: And who are these?? I’m not following!!
 Hansel: Better look for a way out!
Cinderella, the Stepsisters, the guard, Hansel, Gretel and the Witch leave the stage.
Jack: Huh? Where am I? Well, at least I escaped from the…
Giant: From the what? What is this, Englishman?
King: Does this belong to the Marquis of Carabas also?
Puss: Uhh. Yeah, of course it does! (Unsure)
Jack: Ehh… I got to go and I suggest you to do the same, Puss and King!
Jack, the Giant, King and Puss leave the stage.
Snow White: Is this a dream??
Queen: Wait, why are you talking? Aren’t you dead?
Pig 1: We escaped from the Wolf!
Pigs 2 & 3: Woohoooo!
Wolf: What are you celebrating?
Snow White: A wolf?? Better get out of here!
Pigs: Yep!!
Snow White, the Queen, the pigs and the Wolf exit.
Peter Pan: Ha! Using my imagination I can escape!
Captain Hook: Escape where?
Peter Pan: I’m not going to fight you here! Let’s go!
Captain Hook: Hey!! Wait for me!!
Cindy Lou Who: Is this your Workshop, Santa Claus?
The Grinch: Umm… I don’t know where we are now.
Peter, Captain Hook, Cindy and the Grinch leave.
Stuart and Dave: Ta-dah!!
Edith: Was that it?
Margo: It was…. Umm... Different, I guess?
Agnes: I didn’t get the story!! (Sad)
Gru: Oh, dear! I was so busy trying to get the best elements from each story that I forgot to actually write a story!! I’m so dumb!!
Margo: Well, Gru, we really appreciate what you did for us!
Agnes: But you don’t have to create a machine to write a good story!!
Edith: Just use your imagination!
Margo: I know! We can write a new story all together.
Stuart and Dave: We can help!
Gru: Thank you very much girls! I guess there is a reason why those stories are classics! Let’s start writing our new story!
All the characters: And they lived happily ever after!!

The end

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